Reflection on another year passing...
John Dennis and I are meeting with Paul this week in London and he emailed us to confirm arrangements. I'm going to share with you the content of this email, as it offers a very 'Insightful' look at advancing years and the challenges that come with them!
" Dear all,
One of the things we’ve
found about getting a bit older is early starts become more difficult. I
remember originally saying to John I’d prefer to meet at the IOD at 1200 and we
then agreed on 1100 which means the 0745 train from NW – about the time we are
usually thinking about getting up, Ever since Xmas Sue and I have been talking
about the challenges of catching such an “early” train and also doing a
day’s “work” in London & have come up with the following list
of things we have to address to make it happen:
- make sure we have a gentle day on Monday – no commitments whatsoever
- no alcohol after Saturday
- early nights Sunday & Monday; make sure we watch the news at 2100 both days to facilitate this instead of the usual 2200 (we’re not fixed in our ways you understand)
- adjust the central heating so it comes on well before we get up (bathrooms get colder as you get older) - must do this in the daytime with glasses on as cannot see the dial properly in unnatural light
- I will have to do extra anti – arthritis extra exercises at the weekend/Monday to save 15 minutes on Tuesday morning
- consider taking a snack for the train (Sue inevitably rejected this proposal) given we’ll be chewing our cereal 2 hours earlier than usual
- top up the Oyster cards
- watch the weather forecast to see if we need a taxi to the station
- have the usual domestic about how long it will take us to get to the station (I say 18 minutes, Sue 30)
- choose a suit (it is the IoD you know)
- practice tying a tie
- remember which black shoes are comfortable and polish them
By the way, will it be
dark when we get up at 0545?
Best wishes
Paul "
Thank you Paul for giving us some much needed light relief.
Vikki Miles